Adriatic-Route for Thematic Tourism
Scuola del Santo 0 5 0 0

Scuola del Santo


Home of St. Anthony’s Archconfraternity from 1427, the Scuola del Santo conserves frescoes of Venetian artists of the ‘ 500 with episodes that tell the life of the Saint and his works; between these there are three early works by Tiziano. They represent three miracles attributed to St. Anthony: the newborn proclaims his mother’s innocence, the saint heals the woman stabbed by her husband and hangs up the foot to the young. Also noteworthy are the illustrated works, Cardinal Guido di Monfort opens the Saint’s ark, realized by Bartolomeo Montagna (1512) and the miracle of the glass, by Girolamo del Santo (1511).

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Adriatic-Route for Thematic Tourism