Adriatic-Route for Thematic Tourism
Natural History Museum Metković 0 5 0 0

Natural History Museum Metković


Natural History Museum Metković developed from ornithological collection in Metković. The collection is open to the public in 1952 thanks to Dr. Dragutin Rucner, ornithologist from Zagreb, and contained more than 340 exponates including 218 species of birds of 310 species which are so far recorded in the area of Neretva. Herbarium collections, collections of insects and ichthyological collection are exposed in the museum. The exponents are presented by habitat providing insight into the former richness of life in the swamps, swamp forests, thickets, reeds and rocks, as well as the meliorated and treated surfaces.
Kralja Zvonimira 4, 20350 Metković
Tel: +385 20 682 110
Mob: +385 91 566 1603

Natural History Museum Metković, 8.0 out of 8 based on 1 rating

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Adriatic-Route for Thematic Tourism