Adriatic-Route for Thematic Tourism
National Park of Sibillini Mountains 0 5 0 0

National Park of Sibillini Mountains


The National Park of Sibillini Mountains covers an area of 70.000 hectares of protected land. It was established in 199. The towns included in the park are: Acquacanina, Amandola, Arquata del Tronto, Bolognola, Castelsantangelo sul Nera, Cessapalombo, Fiastra, Fiordimonte, Montefortino, Montegallo, Montemonaco, Pievebovigliana, Pieve Torina, San Ginesio, Ussita, Visso. The great limestone massif that stands in the southern Marche includes one of the highest peaks on the Italian mainland – Monte Vettore at 2,476 metres. Chiseled by glaciers and limestone erosion, these mountains possess some outstanding natural sights. These include the high natural tarn Lago di Pilato (where a reddish crustacean, Chirocefalo del Marchesoni, lives) and the awesome Infernaccio Gorge. Other delights include tgreat upland plains: the most impressive is the Piano Grande below the village of Castelluccio, famous across Italy for its lentils. Different types of trees can be found in the park : the oak, the hornbeam, the beech and the willow dwarf, that is considered the world’s smallest tree. The fauna is also varied. There are different mammals, such as the wolf, the wild cat, the hedgehog, the roe deer. Some birds populate the park too: the golden eagle, the goshawk, the sparrow hawk and the peregrine falcon.

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Adriatic-Route for Thematic Tourism