Giotto’s imposing artwork in the Cappella degli Scrovegni attracted in town eminent painters and young apprentices willing to learn from the Master, creating a School of Giotto’s followers, some of remarkable ability, who remained in town decorating palaces and churches. Masters as Guariento, Jacopo Avanzi, Altichiero da Zevio, Giusto de Menabuoi and Jacopo da Verona, developed and reinterpreted Giotto’s style and technique.
In Piazza del Santo, the square laying in front of the Basilica, stands Donatello’s masterpiece, the bronze equestrian monument dedicated to venetian military leader, Gattamelata, Donatello spent a few years in Padova working also at the Basilica on bronze statues and the bronze reliefs of the High Altar. Near the Basilica, besides St. George’s Oratory, the Scoletta del Santo, also frescoed, partly by Titian, and the Museo Al Santo, venue for temporary exhibitions.